A Race Against Time... (Yandere Simulator Male Rivals x Reader/Y/n x Various) - Chapter 3 - SincerelyAstra (2024)

Chapter Text

Word key-

Y/n, Your name.

N/n, Nickname.

L/n, Last name.



You wake up to your alarm blaring at you like always, it makes a consistent beeping sound that makes even the calmest people want to hit it with a rock. After several minutes of lying on your bed not wanting to get up, you finally get up and shut off the alarm clock. You stretch briefly before walking to your closet, getting dressed in your usual school attire, and then moving to the bathroom to do your hair.

Your morning was surprisingly calm as you got ready and ate some breakfast before grabbing your bag for school, with your body threatening to fall asleep on you as you put your shoes on. You were about to open the door to leave when you heard a firm knock coming, and as you slowly opened the door, peering in the gap you had created, you could see a trio of people whom you had recently friended.

"Good morning Y/n! I just wanted to ask if you would like to walk with me, Nee-chan, and Osano to school."

Hanakō said as more of a statement than a question, you could also tell by the look on his face that he came up with the idea since the two behind him seemed kind of hesitant with his ask. "Oh uh, sure," you said pretty surprised since you didn't think they would want to walk with you especially when you lived a block away from their houses. You walked out of your house and closed + locked the door behind you before turning back to the main trio, Hanakō was mentally cheering at your approval of his request, Taeko was relieved that they hadn't bothered you so early in the morning, and Osano looked as if he wanted to say something but he quietly kept his mouth shut (probably for the better).

With all of that said and done, you all started walking to the place that many teens dread..., school. You would've liked to say you were walking together but it was more like, you were walking with Hanakō while Taeko and Osano hung back talking to each other. It wasn't like it was awkward or anything since Hanakō turned out to be great at continuing conversation and you could say with a lot of confidence that he could be pretty funny when he wanted to be, you couldn't see why he would hang out with his sister so much since he could easily have a big group of friends his age. As you were talking this thought made you remember that he was a tad bit younger than you, you wonder how he even got into Akademi which prompted your next conversation.

You turn to the younger male beside you and ask, "Hey Hanakō, you are younger than most of the first years right?" He nods with a smile, "Yep, why do you ask?" It was now your turn to smile, albeit sheepishly. "Well, I was just thinking about how you even got into Akademi in the first place" This wasn't just a small talk question, you were genuinely curious how he got in so early. Although, with Taeko behind the two of you, you felt that you already knew the answer to at least why he chose to go to Akademi in the first place... "Oh, well, it's mainly because I wanted to be in the same school as nee-chan so with a lot of work, I made it to the top of my school academically, and then Akademi agreed to let me skip a grade, and go to their school."

His response was a lot simpler than what you expected, but it made the most logical sense. If Hanakō were indeed the smartest kid in his grade then it would be good publicity for the school if they let him in. Hanakō noticed the way your eyebrows had subtly lifted, showing your surprise, and teased you by saying, "Why do you look so disappointed with that?" You shake your head, "Don't get me wrong I'm not disappointed, it's just a very simple response," he looked confused before saying "What were you expecting? That I just went to the school and begged the headmaster to let me in?" Your face flushed in embarrassment as you realized how bad your statement must've sounded, "N-no, I just was expecting it to be more complex than that.." He laughed a bit a said, "Relax, I'm just messing with you but yeah if you think about it, it's pretty weird that it all just worked out like that." You made a small sigh of relief, "That's what I meant, I mean what were you gonna do if they didn't allow you in?" He paused, thinking about that alternative like he hadn't thought about it. "Huh.., I haven't thought about it."

...He is just carefree to a fault, huh?

" You just assumed it was all gonna work out?" He lightheartedly smiled, "Yep!" His reply just made you exasperatedly sigh, though, you suppose you should've seen that coming. It wasn't that hard to believe that he didn't have a backup plan considering what you've seen of him so far, he was generally pretty laid back but he was headstrong when it came to Taeko.

You soon shrugged off his words, as your stroll got closer and closer to the gates. Hanakō kept babbling on about who knows what, but his words did strike another thought in you. ' I haven't seen Hanakō talk to anyone else other than me, Taeko, or Osano..., shouldn't he want to walk with his friends? ' You bit your lip, eyes gazing over to the shorter boy beside you. ' Does he even have any friends his age? He goes to Akademi full of older students so I doubt it, but, then again I haven't seen him outside of school, so maybe he talks to them then? ' Your curiosity was at an all-time high right now, and these questions prodded at your brain. You knew it might have been rude to ask, I mean, how embarrassing would it be if someone asked you why you had no friends? But, the question just couldn't seem to wait. You half-hazardly blurted out, "Hanakō do you have any friends outside of school?"Oh my god..., you and your big freaking mouth...

Hanakō made a small huff at my question, clearly a tad offended. "Geeze what's with the questions today," he said while trying way too hard to make it look like he was peeved. "No, I guess I don't technically have any. Besides, why would I need other friends when Taeko is infinitely better." Honestly, his words just made you sad... And made like, 10 more questions pop up in your head. You really could've questioned him more or even tried your best to comfort him, but all you did was bite the inside of your cheek and keep walking. You weren't the biggest comfort anyway.

Despite what you just said, your brain repeats his words over and over, like some broken record. Maybe some part of you pitied him, or maybe you were frustrated at his poor answer. But, some part of you felt compelled to tell him how important is to have friends your age, more so friends who weren't his sister or somehow connected to her. Having older friends isn't necessarily bad, you know this, but, having friends that weren't related to his sister was. You make a silent huff, frustrated now with your lack of words, you didn't know what to say exactly... Hell, you hardly knew him, so why did you feel frustrated for him? Why was this suddenly such a big deal? Your steps grow heavier as you try and focus on something else, something that isn't that annoying feeling dragging you down. Your eyes drilled holes into the ground, your focus shifting entirely to the small cracks and crevices on the rough sidewalk.

After a while, your body just stopped walking, and those thoughts plagued your mind for reasons you were unsure of... Well, that you were unsure of until a certain thought made its way to your forefront.

Hanakō, in a way, reminded you of yourself. Alone. Maybe, he didn't feel like that, after all, sometimes family is enough for people. And maybe that was just the case for Hanakō..., but, not for you. Your parents weren't terrible, and they weren't abusive, or cartoonishly evil, but, one thing is for certain and that is that they sure as hell did not make an effort to spend time with you. You don't have any siblings either so it's not like you can find solace in them.

You didn't even realize that in the myriad of your thoughts, you had stopped walking.


Maybe, that was what you were missing, some kind of familial bond that he had. A sibling, a parent, maybe a cousin...Maybe, Hanako Yamada didn't feel alone. Maybe, he was okay with his social circle. Maybe, he didn't feel that soul-crushing loneliness you so often felt. God, you envied that.


It didn't take too long for Hanakō to notice that you stopped walking, his legs quickly came to a halt when he realized. His brows furrowed as he looked at you in confusion, ' Why did you stop? Was it something I said, were you tired? ' He thought, biting the inside of his cheek carelessly. Hanakō, not being one to stay quiet, spoke up, "Y/n, are you okay?" His tone was gentle, or as gentle as he could make it considering his confusion. You immediately stopped biting your lower lip as he snapped you out of your self-pity, the metal taste of blood left to linger on your lips. As you looked into his eyes, trying to come up with some kind of excuse or reason as to why you stopped, you couldn't help but think, ' This is stupid..., I'm being jealous for such a petty reason. ' You could only shake your head, your thoughts relaxing. You take a deep breath..., the familiar taste of mint filled your mouth from your toothpaste a few minutes prior. "I'm fine, sorry for worrying you." Your words came out naturally, your eyes drifting away from his. Little did you know, those words weren't reassuring to Hanakō, something was wrong and he knew it. But when he looks at you..., he feels like he was overstepping his boundaries. You weren't close, and even if he considered you a friend, he had no way to see if you felt the same. So, he just does what he always does, he gives a light smile and a slight nod. No words were exchanged as he turned around and kept walking, leaving you to pick up your pace to once again join him.

'Not everything needs to be done today.' Hanakō thought, glancing at your form in his peripherals. Though..., maybe he should keep an eye on you...


You have finally made it to school, that whole situation is behind you now as you do have school to worry about. You part ways with Hanakō as you make your way to your locker, the faint sound of chatter and walking filling your ears. Your eyes immediately spot your locker, making you speed up your walking pace. You reach it, noticing a few students talking to their friends right beside you. Your hand reaches up, touching the cold metal of the locker and you open it, doing the usual shoe routine with ease. As you finished shutting the locker door, the old creaking of said locker made you slightly cringe, your routine came to a halt as you remembered the Gardening club. A silent sigh leaves your lips as you turn around, 'I should probably let Taeko know.'

You swiftly round the corner of the lockers, finding Taeko instantly. For the first time since the first day you knew her she was alone, Osano and Hanakō nowhere to be seen. As you walked up to her she must've heard your footsteps since she quickly turned to you with a smile. "Hey, Y/n, I was just about to go find you, great minds think alike I guess." She giggled at her statement, her smile growing wider by the second. You couldn't help but also make a small chuckle, Taeko somehow always manages to make you feel better.

"I, unfortunately, need to go and do my gardening club duties.., sorry, I can't spend morning time with you..." You say this sheepishly, your hand instinctively shooting up to push some hair behind your ear. "Ah, no it's fine, I get it. I usually read in the morning anyway and I don't think that would be very interesting to you," she waves her arms around, trying to reassure you that she wasn't upset or anything. With that bit of reassurance, you nod at her words and bid her goodbye. You turn around and walk to the gardening club, a small smile being left on your face. You had just made your way past the gate before you spotted something... As you walk past the metal gate a black-haired male glares at you, the male walking in the opposite direction of you. Although strange, you brushed it off assuming he was just staring at someone or something else.., however, your pace does quicken as you start to speed-walk to the gardening club.

You pass the fountains, making your way to the gardening club, the foliage not having differed even slightly. You walk through the hedge arch, not expecting much... or, at least you weren't expecting to be tackled with a ton of questions from none other than Uekiyo. "Are you okay?! What even happened? How many fingers am I holding up? Do you remember my name? When is your birthday? Why-" Uekiyo rapidly shot questions your way, none of which you could particularly understand... Before he could continue spiraling any further, you cut him off saying, "Engeika-kun I'm fine, can I please just get a word in?" He stares at you for a moment, collecting his thoughts before letting you go to scratch the back of his neck and say, "Ah... I'm sorry L/n-san, I was just really worried when you didn't show up yesterday." You opened your mouth to apologize, feeling guilt start to flood your stomach. Before you could though, he started to talk again, "Before you can say anything L/n-san, I want to know what happened and who did this to you." ...You had to admit he looked a little scary when he said that. You opted to tell him a modified rendition of what happened, not to worry him further.

He sighed and said, "Please be careful next time L/n-san and if you need to rest please tell me and I will gladfully let you, All the club members are like family to me, that includes you." There was a small pause between you two as you soaked in the fact that he considered you as family.


You smiled at the fact, any other bad emotion that made its way to you that day was quickly overpowered. You smiled and said, "Thank you Uekiyo-kun, I will be sure to let you know when I'm feeling down, and be sure to let me or the other members know if you feel that way as well." He was caught off guard by you using his first name but quickly gained his composure and said "Of course Y/n-san, I'm sure you guys want what's best for me as well." Uekiyo then clapped his hands together and said "Now, let's get our morning duties down." His tone was upbeat, contrasting the heartfelt conversation you were just in. It also did its job of reminding you of your duties. You both walked over to your separate areas and got to work, some conversations sprinkled in, but nothing to note.


(Timeskip to after morning time and after class.)

-After class-

You have thankfully made it through class with a... more than touchy teacher. You were just thankful that Mido still hasn't had a chance to talk to you or Taeko, you fear he might soon though. Before you could continue on that point though, you were interrupted by students getting out of their seats and soon flooding the halls. Realizing it is currently lunch, you get up, fix your skirt, and make your way to Taeko's desk. As you walk over, weaving your way through the students and desks, it comes to your attention that this is quickly becoming the norm, not that you mind.

Once there you spot Taeko grabbing her bento out of her bag, the bento being wrapped in a cute, mint-striped cloth. She looks up to you, her face lighting up ever so slightly. "Hey Y/n, I was just about to go to the roof to eat lunch with Hanakō, are you gonna join us?" She asks excitedly, leaning towards you with interest. You avert your eyes; as much as you wanted to go eat lunch with Taeko, you hadn't forgotten the bento Osano said he was gonna make you. You hadn't even brought lunch today, as you have been waiting for the bento all day. You look back to Taeko, noticing her head has tilted as she waits for your response. "Thanks for the offer Taeko but, I need to go and find Osano. I'll eat lunch with you tomorrow though! If you are okay with that, that is.." You tried to console Taeko, your tone gentle to not sound dismissive or cold. You tried not to just assume she wants to eat lunch with you tomorrow, figuring that'd be rude, and you're sure someone as nice as he probably has plans or something...

"Aw.., It's okay Y/n, I probably need to spend some sibling time with Hanakō anyway." She makes a soft giggle, her hand moving up to brush some hair behind her ear. Remembering your proposition, she makes another smile. "Of course, you can eat lunch with me tomorrow, after all, you'll have to make up today's absence~" She teases you a little, winking as she says her words and causing you to let out a chuckle, your nerves relaxing. "Of course, I'll see you tomorrow then." You say, making a small wave of goodbye as you start to retreat to the door. Taeko nods, "See you later Y/n!"

After you both say your goodbyes you walk out of the classroom to find Osano, waiting just as impatiently as he always does. You were a bit taken aback to see him waiting for you outside the classroom, though your hunger and eagerness quickly overcame that feeling. His eyes caught yours, causing his expression to soften up a bit and he holds the bento out to you, its pink salmon color quickly catching your eye. You reach up, carefully taking it from Osano with a growing smile. You look up at the orange-haired male, "Thanks, Osano, I can already tell it's going to taste amazing!" He shifts his weight to his other foot, putting his hands in his pockets. "Yeah yeah, don't get used to this though it's only a one-time thing." His tone would make it seem as if he were annoyed, but if you looked closely, you could see the smug grin that was forming on his lips.

With a breath, Osano took a step forward, planning to leave you be. Before he could take another step and start completely walking away, you spoke up and asked him, "Hey, do you mind if I eat lunch with you?" Your words flowed out so naturally, shocking even you a tad since it kind of just slipped out. He stopped in his tracks for a moment before continuing to walk, speaking shortly after, "Well hurry up, I'm not waiting forever dummy." You perked up a bit and started to speedwalk to catch up with him. Once you caught up, you both walked to the courtyard with a comfortable silence falling between you two.

It only took a few minutes and two flights of stairs to make your way to the doors before the courtyard, to which Osano opened the door, stepping out onto the brick. You step out with him, your hand clenching onto the bento in case something were to happen. You looked around the outside, spotting another orange-haired male standing in front of the fountain, seemingly waiting for someone. The male in front of the fountain notices you both, causing him to perk up and yell, "Osano, where were you?" Your eyebrows raise in surprise, your head snapping to Osano to see his sheepish expression. ' Who's this? ' You thought, your teeth biting your inner cheek in thought. Osano spoke up, "Sorry, I had some stuff to do." As Osano walks up to the male, greeting him with ease, you kind of just stood a bit awkwardly waiting for a proper introduction or something. You hesitantly walk up closer to Osano and the male, said male notices you trailing behind, and asks, "Aren't you going to introduce us? And you call me an idiot." His words were playful, a contrast to Osano's now annoyed tone. "Oh shut up.., this is Y/n L/n, and Y/n this is Raibaro Fumetsu." You nod, making a bit of an O-shape with your mouth. You greet Raibaro, giving him a friendly wave."It's nice to meet you Fumetsu-san," Raibaro smiled in response, giving his wave back. "Nice to meet you too L/n-san. Honestly, I'm surprised you're able to handle this hothead." Raibaro makes a quick jab at Osano, then snickers at his comment while Osano just groans. You had to hold back a laugh as you watched the two, their dynamic quite intriguing.

With introductions out of the way, you and Osano sit down on the fountain while Raibaro stands off to the side, next to Osano. Osano opens a book, carefully flipping through the pages. The book piqued your interest as Osano didn't like the type to read, nor did you notice the book when you were walking earlier. Your eyes reverted to the bento, your hands unwrapping it without much thought. Picking up some chopsticks that were left in there, you start to eat. You grabbed a small piece of fish, drawing the chopsticks up and into your mouth. It reaches your lips and you start to eat, tasting every flavor that one piece of fish has to offer. Your face lit up slightly, ' This is... so good?? Oh my god??? ' You practically inhaled the rest of the bento, each flavor, and new spice only adding to the experience as a whole. You couldn't help but feel a little disappointed once you finished the bento, your hands dragging along as you tied the box back up, neatly in its salmon-colored cloth. Placing the bento to the side of you, on the edge of the fountain, you make a mental note to thank Osano later. Speaking of him, you turn to see him still reading the book, his hair dangling on the side of his face...

The silence wasn't all that awkward, but you felt compelled to make some kind of conversation. After all, it isn't often that you get to talk to Osano without Hanako or Taeko. Maybe it would be nice to learn a bit more about Osano, as you barely know each other. You clear your throat, gaining Osano's attention, though he doesn't look up from the page. "So, what are you reading?" Your question makes him sit up straighter, finally turning his head to properly look at you. "Just some book Hanakō gave to Taeko, I see her reading it all the time and I wanted to know the hype." He replies, shrugging off the question a tad apprehensively. Your eyebrows raise, your hands moving from your lap to the cold gold lining of the fountain. "It's a fairly large book.. do you like to read normally?" Osano opened his mouth, fully intending to answer your question but was cut off by none other than Raibaro. Raibaro had piped up and said, "Osano wouldn't read even if he was going to die over it, the most he ever read was when he was writing this cringy fan-" Osano practically shot up from his seat, and slammed his hand over Raibaro's mouth to silence him. "Raibaro I swear to god, I'm gonna punt you!" Osano glared at him halfheartedly, causing a sheepishly looking Raibaro. Raibaro backs up, his hands waving slightly, "Hey, don't shoot the messenger." Osano groaned, his face turning a bright shade of red as he sat back down, and buried his face in the book. You felt a little sorry for him..., but he did give his short response to your previous question, "I don't enjoy reading all too much." Despite your feelings, you were genuinely quite curious about what Raibaro was going to say, before being cut off by Osano. 'It has to be pretty embarrassing if it gets that much of a response from Osano...' You thought quietly, leaning forward and putting your elbows to your thighs, then promptly letting your hands hold your face. No matter how bad your curiosity was..., you didn't try and ask.

After that strange encounter, nobody said another word as you all continued to just sit there, Raibaro messing with his phone and Osano trying to lose himself in Taeko's book. You just sat at the fountain quietly, taking in the trees, grass, and the fainted sounds of students nearby. It was quite peaceful honestly..., you could see why Taeko liked it out here. You flinched slightly as you heard Osano close his book, causing your head to snap over to him. He gets up, placing the book on the fountain edge before he turns to you, "I'm going to stretch for a second, if you want to join or whatever..." You looked forward, taking a quick moment to think before saying, "Yeah, sure." You shrug, not wanting to deal with the awkwardness of not going. You get up, shifting your weight to your feet as you take a deep breath. Osano and Raibaro were already starting to walk away from the fountain, leaving you to follow suit.

The two males start to stretch, you start shortly after, and as you all are stretching Raibaro starts to speak, "Hey how'd you two meet anyway?" He tilts his head, eyeing Osano. "Taeko being as clumsy as always, bumped into Y/n by the gates and wanted to make it up to them, so she invited them to eat lunch with her without even bothering to ask me or Hanakō about it." He rolled his eyes before continuing, "We got introduced to each other at that lunch." Raibaro nods before pausing, a playful frown being plastered on his face as he says, "Well that's anticlimactic, nothing like the movies." You turned to look at the ginger-haired male, confused as to what brought on such a statement. You joined in the conversation by asking, "What were you expecting?" Your hands moved up above your head as you continued stretching. He shrugs lazily, "I don't know, maybe it would have been like a classic rom-com where you bump into each other or something." Osano shoots him a disgusted look, promptly shutting that idea down with a quick, "You need to learn that some things need not be said, especially weird stuff like that!" Raibaro just chuckles, not bothered by Osano's tone in the slightest, just goes to show how long they've been friends. "Ah come on, I'm only joking." Raibaro sticks his tongue out at Osano, much like a child would, then turns to you to say, "I know that Osano can be kind of rude sometimes, but trust me when I say he's a huge softie." You stifle a laugh while Osano just groans, too tired to try and deny any more of Raibaro's accusations. The little energy he did have was used to lightly shove Raibaro, surprising the male before he made a lighthearted shove back.

You all kept making your way around the fountain in a circular motion, stopping at each side to stretch, as per plan. Making it to the right side of the fountain, the last side before the front where you had previously been, you began doing the stretches you had been before Raibaro started to speak up, "L/n-san are you in any clubs?" You stopped mid-stretch to look at him, surprised at his sudden inquiry, yet replying quickly, "Yes I am, I'm in the gardening club." The male nods, something clicking in his head. "Ohh that makes sense, you seem like the type. Osano won't even think about joining a club, I swear.." Osano just rolled his eyes, shooting Raibaro’s words with, "Y'know that's not true, we looked at clubs together yesterday." The ginger gives an exasperated sigh while the other just retorts, "But did you join any? Nope." You smile as you look towards the ground, continuing the stretch you had been stopped from. You understand not wanting to join a club, thinking back, it took you a while to gain the courage to join the gardening club..., though you are extremely grateful you did. Still, you felt urged to reassure Osano, as you understand the struggle. "It's okay Osano, sometimes clubs are just something you don't want to do; no one is forcing you to do anything if you don't feel like it." Osano hums in response, giving a quick shrug as he states, "Expect Raibaro is.., though I'm glad at least one person doesn't want to make me join some dumb club." Raibaro rolled his eyes, looking at Osano with a playful hurt look before saying, "Hey, I'm just saying it would make you a more rounded person." Osano rolls his eyes back at him, giving Raibaro a small shove away from the fountain, "Now you just sound like my mom." You let out a silent giggle to yourself at their banter and the way their personalities clash in the best of ways.

You soon finished stretching and you, Osano, and Raibaro make your way back to your starting point, the face of the fountain. Your footsteps were light, a comfortable silence falling between everyone as the atmosphere relaxed. Everything felt peaceful, a nice break in contrast to daily life. That was until you glanced at Osano and saw how his face swiftly morphed into a panicked one. He stops dead in his tracks with his eyes burning holes into the water of the fountain and before you or Raibaro had a chance to ask him what was wrong, he dashed towards the fountain. Osano's pale hands pulled a book out of the water, one you and Raibaro recognize as the one he was reading earlier. As your eyes trail the soaked book you feel a pang of pity in your chest, ' It must have fallen in when we were walking..., that sucks. ' You hated when your things were ruined, as did everyone else, so you weren't surprised when Osano muttered a few words of profanity with a pained expression. Osano's hand shot up from the book and ran through his hair, his words came out stressed and panicked, "Taeko's never gonna trust me ever again..., f*ck, out of all days why today!"

As he continued to freak out you and Raibaro shared a glance, wondering how to calm Osano down. Raibaro took a deep breath and stepped towards the agitated male, putting his hand on his uniformed shoulder and saying, "Osano calm down a little, everything is going to be alright! All you have to do is explain what happened to Taeko, you of all people should know that she'll forgive you in a heartbeat." Osano's hand clenched around the book as he snapped back, "You don't get it!, this book was a gift to her from Hanakō, it was really important to her and I just ruined it!" Osano tried to calm himself a little, taking a deep breath, "She's not just gonna forgive and forget about." Osano stubbornly said, not budging on his stance no matter how hard Raibaro tried. Raibaro looked a bit frustrated, though he kept his cool and said, "Look, it isn't that big of a deal. You know how Taeko is, she can't stay mad for that long, and it's not like you can't just get her another book."

Their banter went on like this for a while, though it was nowhere near as playful as it had been moments ago. Osano had calmed down since his panic episode but he was pretty inconsolable, not listening to any of the points Raibaro was trying to make. Raibaro, who was trying to be patient and understanding, was starting to get frustrated... You felt like a helpless bystander in this argument..., you didn't know Taeko well enough to know exactly how she'd react, yet you did have a strong feeling it would be as bad as Osano thought. The Taeko you've talked to for these last few days just isn't the type to hold grudges..., and she certainly wouldn't end a whole friendship with Osano after something so minor. That much was clear from yesterday's events. Still..., you are unsure of what to say, how do you change Osano's mind when even Raibaro is having trouble doing just that? Your mind swam with thought after thought, 'God why is this so difficult, Osano shouldn't have to take the blame for something he didn't do! There has to be some way to not have Taeko be mad at him or at the very least not be TOO mad...'

. . .

It was at that moment an idea struck you, and although it certainly was a brash idea..., you really couldn't think of anything. You also just wanted this argument to stop.

. . .

"Just tell Taeko I did it."

Almost immediately the world around you seemed to quiet, if only for a moment. Osano had paused and looked at you with a bewildered expression. His eyes held this look like, he was offended that you even suggested such a thing. Even Raibaro looked surprised, but his shock was quickly overturned with a pained smile, clearly showing his gratitude, albeit it wasn't exactly the solution he wanted. "God, I can't even believe you said that. I'd honestly be offended if it wasn't for the fact that I have bigger things to be offended about." Osano shoots out quickly, rubbing his temple with his pale hand. He walks to you, stopping at a bit of a distance. "You think I can't take responsibility or something? Don't try and take some moral high ground because you have nothing to lose from losing her friendship."

Okay. Ouch..

His words hit you in a sensitive place, you bit your tongue to hold back any harsh words like you very often did. You weren't the type for confrontation but, that didn't stop you from wanting to defend what little ego you did have. Your eyes drew back to Osano and it was easy to tell he wished he just swallowed those words, he doesn't exactly hide his feelings well. Raibaro makes a small cough, trying to clear the air, but to little avail.

"What I meant was that Taeko, in the little time I've known her, doesn't seem to hold grudges. It's not like she has any high expectations of me yet, so just let me take the blame." You explained through deep breaths, calming your previous insecurities. Osano quickly replies, his tone a bit softer than before though, "That's not that problem." He looks at you for a moment, debating what to say as he doesn't want to make any more of an ass of himself. In these thoughts words seem to escape him, he just shakes his head and says, "There's no reason for you to get in trouble for my mistake, you didn't do anything wrong, and that's that." You felt a bit taken aback by his reply, you really thought he just seemed like the type to go along with it, it benefits him in the best way after all. Osano scoffs as he notices your surprise and he looks away with a blush of embarrassment on his cheeks, "Not that I care.., it would just be a pain for you to hold it against me." You couldn't hold back a small chuckle from escaping your lips, the tension that once penetrated the space escaping everyone.

You turned your attention to Raibaro who was also laughing at Osano's sudden change in nature, "Yeah, sorry L/n-san but, I'm gonna have to agree with Osano here. You shouldn't get in trouble with Taeko for something that wasn't even remotely your fault." He says with a shrug, getting closer to you before whispering, "Don't tell him I said this but, I think he appreciates the gesture." You shot him a questioning look, why would that be so bad to say to Osano? Raibaro smirked and whispered to you once more, "If he gets embarrassed over just admitting he doesn't want you to get in trouble with Taeko, then he might murder me if I even dare to insinuate that he cares more about the gesture than he lets on." He chuckles once more, making Osano shoot a look at him. He was questioning Raibaro's sudden whispering and the amused look resting on your face. Before Osano could start bickering at him again, Raibaro turned to Osano and asked, "So what's the plan now?"

Osano sighs, you swear he might get wrinkles if he keeps doing that... "I don't know... I guess I'll just have to tell Taeko I accidentally pushed her book into the fountain and own up to it, what else is there to do?" Osano asks, raising an eyebrow. Your mouth forms a line at his words, upset at the suggestion. You speedily shut the idea down with, "Hey, it's not fair for you to get in trouble either." You cross your arms while Osano nonchalantly shrugs, "It's not like you guys have a better idea." That shut you up for a moment..., he was right, you didn't have a better idea. ...But, Raibaro did. "You both can just tell her the truth you know, it's not like she'll say you're lying if you both say it," Raibaro says matter-of-factly, an unimpressed look dawing his face. Osano pauses as he gives a deadpan look to Raibaro. As much as he wanted to refute this..., he knew it was the best solution. Osano lets out a loud groan, admitting defeat, "You're so stubborn you know, I would have an easier time trying to get Hanakō to leave Taeko alone." You let out a giggle at his comparison before he continued, "Okay fine, we'll do your idea but, if anything goes wrong I'm gonna tell her it's my fault, got it?" Raibaro nods with a smile, proud of his victory as he claps his hands and says, "Congrats, your problem-solving skills are slightly better than a primary schooler!" Making Osano scoff, "At least I don't act like one." Raibaro just laughs his comment off, punching Osano lightly in the shoulder and making him give a small smile.

After a second of Raibaro reveling in his victory, he backs off of Osano and stretches up before saying, "So, do you guys want to tour the clubs? Osano here still hasn't joined a club, so it would be could to go around and help him see his options." You make an O-shape with your mouth, surprised that Osano hasn't joined a club, you at least thought he'd join the cooking club with his talents. Osano on the other hand asks, "Didn't we tour the clubs yesterday?" Raibaro nods, his eyes leaving Osano as they focus on the door to the school's hallway. "Yeah, but you still haven't chosen one, at least help me narrow your options a tad." Osano snorts, "Yeah, narrow my options to none." You sheepishly try to help the situation by saying, "I wouldn't mind touring some clubs, it's nice to see what events are happening soon." Osano turns to you with a look of betrayal on his face and Raibaro's smile gets wider, "See even L/n-san wants to go!" He speaks in a teasing tone, making Osano reluctantly say, "Fine, we can go I guess," As Osano speaks he enunciates the 'fine'. Raibaro nods, taking the chance to start walking towards the doors in front of you all. You and Osano quickly start walking too, Osano holding the soggy book carefully and you holding the bento he made for you prior.

You all walk down the stone pathway, the trees swaying slightly from the wind and only a few students are walking around, most shortly going back into the building though after completing whatever task they had outside. This silence was short-lived as you all went into the building, the grey, metal lockers greeting you as soon as you went in, and Raibaro spoke up, "So L/n-san, what do you like about the gardening club?" You pause, thinking for just a moment before answering. "Uhm..., I guess I just like how peaceful it is. Oh, and all the members are quite nice, especially Uekiyo-kun." Raibaro's eyes lit up as he heard the name, having recognized it, "Oh yeah, I know him. He's a pretty good guy, he used to offer me to use the gardening club for martial arts practice if for whatever reason our usual areas were closed," Raibaro recounts. You smile, "Yeah, he has a knack for helping others, even if sometimes it gets him into trouble." To you, Uekiyo is probably the nicest person anyone will ever meet, unfortunately though, people often take advantage of that. You're no stranger to having to gently nudge Uekiyo away from bad-intentioned people.

You are brought back to the conversation as Osano joins in saying, "Isn't that the guy with a flower in his hair?" That made Raibaro chuckle, "A lot of people have flowers in their hair but yeah, I'm pretty sure you know who we're talking about." Osano shrugs the comment off and nods, "Yeah, he's pretty nice. He used to tutor me in math, he kind of acts like my older brother though, which is annoying." You let out a small huff, smiling nervously. "Yeah..., he tends to do that, he just cares about everyone a lot." You say as you all pass the faculty room, the faint sound of the copier going off in the background. Osano replies, "It's not that I don't appreciate it, It's just that I already have Hanakō acting like my brother, I don't need another." You understand what he means, Uekiyo's brotherly nature probably comes off the wrong way to some people. Raibaro smiles, taking back hold of the conversation. "As I said, he's a good guy and he gets along with Budo pretty well so, he's good in my book."

You shift your eyes away from him, trying to remember who Budo was... Not having a lot of friends kind of gives you a hard when it comes to remembering faces and names. "Budo's the martial arts club leader right, the one with black hair?" you ask with uncertainty, you believe you've talked to Budo a few times when you were trying to find a club to join. From what you do remember, he was nice and his energy was pretty contagious. Osano snorts, interjecting with, "Yep, and he's a huge dumbass." Raibaro scoffs at Osano's foul words and comes to Budo's aid, "Osano language, and he's not that dumb, just a bit..., slow?" Osano lets out a bit of a laugh, a nice sight to see compared to his usual scowl. "See, we both know it, he might be my friend but people deserve to know his bad qualities." Raibaro gives up, sighs, and looks back at you, "Ignore Osano, Budo is a kind person even if he's not the smartest." You nod, and you reassuringly say, "He wasn't too bad the few times I met him, he's surprisingly good at social cues." Raibaro lights up a tad, glad to not have turned you off from how great Budo is. "Yep, that's what I meant. He might not be book smart but he's people smart." The lighter ginger smiles, he cares for his friend a lot and is glad to not be slandering Budo's name anymore.

"Look, I know we're going to look at clubs and all but, can we talk about something different other than clubs?" Osano sighed, Raibaro took this opportunity to tease him, "Like what, your weird cat addiction?" Osano side-eyes the other male, clearly unimpressed. "It's not an addition, they're just my favorite animal. You act like you aren't just a carbon copy of me." Raibaro dramatically gasps, feigning being offended, "Please, I am unique!" Osano scoffs, walking a tad faster, "Sure, and the sky is orange." You playfully roll your eyes and chuckle, speeding up to catch up with Osano. "You both might look similar but your personalities are different," You say, siding with Raibaro, who took this opportunity to gloat, "See Osano, even N/n-san agrees." Your eyes widen and you immediately turn your attention to Raibaro, taken aback at the sudden nickname you've earned. "N/n-san?" You say, confusion evident on your face. Raibaro, not at all deterred by your confusion, smiles and replies, "Yep I just came with it, I am such a genius.~"

Before Raibaro's ego could get too big Osano slows down and bonks Raibaro on the head. "You idiot you don't even know them that well, much less know if they're comfortable with a nickname." Osano disgruntedly says, swiftly taking his hand back and rubbing his knuckles. Raibaro chuckles nervously and scratches the back of his neck, "Sorry L/n-san, I can stop saying it if it makes you uncomfortable." His words were a bit somber as he genuinely didn't want to make you uncomfortable. You quickly blurt out, "I'm not uncomfortable with it, I was just taken aback is all!" Your hands waving in front of you to somehow emphasize your point. You didn't want to mess this up, Raibaro was fun to talk to, plus, aren't nicknames things friends do? Raibaro pauses before talking again, scanning your expression as if he's trying to make sure you aren't lying or anything. You only had to give a small nod before a smile crept on his pale features, "Thanks, N/n-san!~" Raibaro says as Osano just shakes his head, he can already tell this is gonna bring him so much stress... "You shouldn't spoil him you know, he's just gonna get worse." The darker-haired male says, his tone showing annoyance but, you knew it was just lighthearted teasing. Raibaro scoffs, "Like you aren't just as bad as me Tsun-kun," He quickly retorts. Osano groans, stopping in his tracks to show his frustration.

"Enough with that stupid nickname, I'm not 5 you know."

"You sure act like it-" Raibaro counters, but, not before Osano could get the last word in.

"Shut it!"

The pair kept bickering for another few minutes as you all started walking down the hall once more, approaching the cooking club. As you look at the two, you start to feel a little strange... A warm feeling enveloped your chest, your thoughts filled with adoration of the two. You felt a little breathless..., this kind of feeling you aren't all particularly used to... You loved that little feeling.


That thought was soon interrupted as a person wearing a white Gi approaches you, Osano, and Raibaro. Raibaro noticeably perks up at the sight of this person and he is also the first to speak, "Oh hello Rai-chan, Is something wrong?" A calm smile lay on the girl's face, her movements were confident and showed a strong sense of self. "Hello Fumetsu-senpai, I don't believe anything is wrong but Budo-senpai has asked to see you." The girl spoke with a formal tone, and she was quick to take charge of the conversation. She had mahogany hair and dark brown eyes, she was honestly quite pretty by your standards. Raibaro's smile turns into a defeated one as he sighs, "Thank you Rai-chan, I'll be there as fast as I can." 'Rai-chan' nods and turns to leave, leaving you, a disappointed Osano, and a sheepish Raibaro all standing in the same place. "Sorry..., I should go and make sure everything is okay, even if I'm not in the club anymore I still like to help out." Raibaro then faces you with a lighthearted grin, "It was nice to meet you N/n-san, I'm sure we'll get to talk more in the future." Then he turns to Osano, who is not a fan of his sudden abandonment. "Sorry, Osano we'll have to tour clubs another time." His reply just left Osano to take a deep breath and shrug, "Like I was so keen before..." He replies. Raibaro chuckles nervously and turns to leave, "See you later Osano, N/n-san." You wave to his retreating form, "Bye Fumetsu-san." Osano mutters a small 'bye' as he leaves, crossing his arms. "I swear they get more dependent on him by the day, he's not even in the club anymore!" He complains, narrowing his orange eyes. It was a tad strange to you that they still needed him when he wasn't even in the club anymore, but, you weren't gonna judge them too harshly just yet. "I guess they trust him a lot?" You say, trying to give Raibaro's former club members the benefit of the don't, though Osano quickly shut that down. "Still, they need to give the guy a break!"

Osano sighs with frustration as we watch Raibaro walk away, his figure finally leaving our site as he ascends the stairs. His absence prompts Osano to turn towards you, "Do you still want to walk with me? I don't feel like actually looking at clubs but I don't mind walking." His words made you smile and nod. "I don't mind walking with you, beats sitting in a classroom waiting for class to start." You chuckle, a part of you was glad this hangout wouldn't end just because Raibaro left, it's nice to know he was okay hanging out with just you. Osano nodded and started walking forward once more, you swiftly followed his lead towards the cooking club.

There was a silence that fell between you two, which seemed to happen quite often, though, like those many times, it wasn't uncomfortable. You and him both took that moment to take in your surroundings, the students shuffling around, the small bits of dirt on the floor, how the walls looked on this particular day, all of it.

The both of you walked past several club rooms, only small talk taking place, or, it was until you both passed the sewing room. "Did you like the bento? I promise I kept it safe the entire morning." Osano spoke up, his orange hair swaying as he walked. "Oh, yeah I liked it. Way better than anything I could've made, thanks again Osano." You nod, thanking him again for his kind act. Osano looks away, seemingly getting a bit sheepish. "Not that I care or anything, Taeko would just be a pain if something happened again.." His words cause laughter to bubble in your throat, his words nowhere near as convincing as he'd think. "Well, whatever the reason for it was, I enjoyed eating it." You shrug, not thinking too much into your words, unlike the boy next to you. Your words had made Osano pause for a moment, looking back towards you with a small blush on his cheeks. "Good.., I didn't make you that bento for nothing." He took a deep breath and continued to walk with you.

"So what got you into cooking?" You asked, not wanting to walk the whole way in silence. Osano shrugged and said, "I just like doing it. Plus, when you have to deal with Taeko being a scatterbrain, it's an important skill to know." Osano smiled a bit at the mention of his friend, your lips curled into a small smile as well. "What got you into gardening? Do you have any other hobbies?" Osano shoots back at you, making you pause so you can put your words together. "Well, gardening has always been a nice and peaceful activity for me, It doesn't require a lot of people and I like to see my plants grow." Your smile grew wider as you recounted how you joined the gardening club, you were just drawn to it. "For other hobbies..., I like to draw and read. Though there's of course plenty of other stuff I'm interested in as well." Osano nodded at your statement, letting out a little snort before he replied, "Yeah, you seem like the bookworm type." Your eyes dart to his, clearly confused as you wondered, 'Is that a good thing or a bad thing?' Before you could ask, Osano went on, "I like art, I'm not good at it though. Raibaro has also tried to get me to join the martial arts club so many times..., I guess that's what I get for even showing the tiniest interest in his club." Osano sighed exasperatedly, his tone gave off the feeling that he was not joking... It did sound like something Raibaro would do, he seems pretty hell-bent on making Osano join a club.

You nod, "That does sound like Fumetsu-san." His eyebrows rose slightly, like he just remembered something. His gaze turned sheepish, "Sorry about him..., he means well but, he can get a bit much for people. You can tell him to stop if he makes you uncomfortable, especially with the whole nickname thing, he won't mind." You perk up a bit, immediately piping up to say, "No, no, it's okay, I don't mind his attitude or the nickname at all!" You wave your hands, trying to reassure him. He raised a brow, "You sure? I promise he won't yell at you or something, he's a good guy." "I'm fine with it." Your tone was slightly firm as you tried to get your point across, making Osano hum understandingly, his gaze going back to the hallway in front of you two.

You walked back around the lockers when the bell rang, indicating lunch was over. Osano had stopped in his tracks and turned towards you, "Do you need me to walk you to class or something? I don't mind." He asks nonchalantly, leaving you to swiftly deny his request, "Nah it's fine, you have to get to your class anyway." Osano shrugs, "Okay, if you're sure." You chuckle, "I am, see you later Osano." It was finally time for you to go your separate ways, Osano moving forward and walking towards the stairs (by class 1-1) and you turning around to walk on the mirrored stairs on the other side. You make only a few steps before you hear Osano's voice, "Later N/n." Your body froze for a second at hearing him use the nickname, your head whipping around to see if you were going crazy. To your slight confusion, he just kept walking up the stairs (little did you know he was shaking like crazy-). As much as you wanted to stand there and think about what your ears have just heard..., you needed to get to class. You hurriedly speed-walked up the stairs, pushing the whole nickname behind you as you had bigger things to rack your head around.


-After School-

The bell had rung a few seconds ago, the class had now ended. You stand up from your seat and push your chair in, before your arm can swoop to the side of the desk and grab your bag, Taeko shot into view. "Hey Y/n, are you gonna walk home with me?" You were about to accept, wanting nothing more than to go home, having Taeko walk with you being a nice bonus. Then you remembered the promise you had made to Osano during lunch..., your body started to feel heavy at the future headache. You take your hand and push a piece of your hair behind your ear, "Sorry Taeko, I have some errands to do before I leave." She makes an O-shape with her mouth, and she reassuringly replies, "Oh, don't worry, I get that. But you know, I can wait for you by the gate if you want." You felt your eyebrows raise, surprised at the notion. ' She wanted going to wait for me? ' You thought. Sure it was a nice gesture, but, what if you took too long or something? What would even be the point of waiting for you?

You clear your throat, "I mean I would like that, but are you sure? I don't know how long it's gonna take." Taeko, being as kind as she is, just giggles. "You worry too much, I can wait a little bit." You bite the inside of your cheek, thinking of the prospect. You start to rationalize with yourself, ' It's not like I'll take a while, and I do need to talk to Taeko later with Osano... I guess this is the best option then. ' And much to Taeko's delight, you make a hesitant nod, "Well, if you're sure that you don't mind." She pulls you into a quick hug, "Like I said, don't worry about it! I'll see in a few." Then her body swiftly leaves, leaving you alone in the empty classroom.

You grin a little at the ravenette's actions and grab your bag by your desk. You walked as fast as you could to the lockers, hoping to catch Osano before he could leave. Once you made it to the lockers and you saw the said male, you couldn't help but wonder how Taeko got down here so quickly and managed to miss Osano... You shook your head, 'Yeah no, I'm not even gonna begin to question it.'

Osano perks up as he hears footsteps, turning around to see your approaching form. He stood by his grey, metal locker, putting his school shoes back into the locker. As he slid them in, shutting the small door, you ask, "Hey, are you ready to tell Taeko?" He groans, which was the reaction you pretty much expected from him. You pass him and go to your locker closer to the doors, taking off your school shoes, Osano followed closely after.

"How could I? It's an important book to her and now it's ruined." Your eyes narrow as you put your outside shoes on in a rush, "Come on..., It's not ruined, all you need to do is air it out. Honestly, we're lucky something didn't get on it." Osano was about to make a quick retort but, pauses and then reluctantly nods, "Yeah, you're right. But still, what if she doesn't trust me after this?" Look, you are no stranger to anxiety and how distorted it makes the world around you, but, you hardly doubt Taeko would throw away a whole friendship over a book.

"How many years have you guys been friends for?" You ask, prompting Osano to quirk an eyebrow up, "...Like, 15 years?" You nod, his words just proving your point that much more. "Meaning your friendship is not gonna end over some stupid book." Osanos eyes gaze down to the brown tile below the both of you, his arm raising to scratch the back of his neck.

You make a small sigh, you kind of feel like you are scolding a child... "I'm worried too, but she's not gonna end your friendship over this." You weren't afraid to admit a small part of you was freaking out, even if you weren't gonna let it show. At least Osano had 15 years to back himself up with, you only had a day. Osano's eyes stared at the floor, his head swimming with thoughts as he thought about what you said. Soon, his orange hues looked into yours, his mind combating itself to see if there was any lie or insincerity in your words. Though of course, like most things with you that he noticed, you weren't lying in the slightest. Making him take a deep breath and make a slight nod, "Yeah yeah..., you're right like always. Let's just go get this over with." He rolled his eyes as you contently smirked, "I know I'm right, let's just hope Hanako didn't somehow manage to pull Taeko back to their house already." You strode out the glass doors just past you, your shoes clacking on the bricks beneath you as you walked toward the gates.

Only a few steps were taken before you reached the gate, Taeko standing under a tree right outside of it. She heard your footsteps and immediately shoved a book into her bag, waving at you and Osano, "Osano, Y/n, over here!" Taeko calls out, making an embarrassed Osano huff, "We can see you dummy, no need to announce your location to the world." Taeko scoffs, walking over to your forms so you can reach each other faster. "Whatever drama queen, can you believe this guy Y/n?" The ravenette giggled as she teasingly asked you the last part, grinning once she made a small chuckle leave you. You could already feel your previous tension leaving your body, a calm air falling between you all. 'Just as I thought, everything was gonna be fine.' You thought, weight from your shoulders leaving you.

In typical Osano fashion, he said in an annoyed tone, "I am not a drama queen, it's not my fault you have no social awareness." His words were followed by a shake of his head, making his disapproval of the girl's actions quite clear. "No one's talking to you Osano!" Taeko groaned back, making sure to say it a little louder than normal, just to tick him off.

Instead, though, Osanos's face turned somber, making Taeko's mood instantly shift as she worriedly asked, "What's wrong?" The male just looked away sheepishly, grabbing the book out of his bag. It certainly wasn't wet anymore, but it was easy to see the water damage from the fountain. Taeko gasped and snatched the book from Osano, hurriedly looking it over. "Osano, What happened to it?!" Taeko shouts at the boy, her grip tightening around the book. Osano's eyes went downcast, as he nervously said, "I'm so sorry..., I don't know what happened. I walked away for a few minutes and then, when I came back it had fallen in." He couldn't even look at her harsh glare, opting to look at the vintage book. "Oh come on, you knew this book was important to me!" Her gaze returns to the book as well, her fingers grazing over the cover's title. "I know and I'm sorry! I seriously don't know what happened to it... I promise I'll buy you a new one, or I'll get that one repaired." Taeko shook her head, as much as she was frustrated, she was more so disappointed.

You stood to the side awkwardly, feeling a little stage fright now that you were actually in the confrontation... When you looked back at Osano though, it was really hard to ignore your promise and just stand there. The usual firey, confident Osano was nowhere to be seen, instead, it had been replaced by a shameful, sheepishly-looking boy. Now you can understand just how much Taeko's opinion of him affects him.

So, you reach for Taeko's hand, making a small gulp as you do. "Hey, Taeko, I was with Osano and Raibaro during lunch, he didn't mean for it to get soaked or anything." You couldn't help but try and take a deep breath, your heart racing as you wondered what Taeko was gonna say. "I know my words probably don't mean a lot, but, you can also ask Raibaro! I'll also try and repair the book if you want me to." Taeko's eyes widened at your proposition, her thumb mindlessly running circles into your palm out of habit.


Taeko, like most, was reasonably upset. She cherished this book, she always believed you should cherish the things your loved ones give you. Because even if Hanako wasn't leaving her side anytime soon, you never know when that day will come. She didn't want to be upset with Osano, he was her closest friend and was like a brother to her... And, as well as the boy she's grown to have a little crush on. He carved himself into her life from the moment they had met, and although he's changed so much, she wouldn't get rid of what they have for the world.

Taeko lets out a small breath, breaking the momentary silence she put you all through. "Okay, please try and fix it." The girl spoke earnestly, holding on to your hand just a little tighter. Osano blurted out, "Of course, I'm sorry again Taeko, I swear I'll fix it!" It was a small piece of forgiveness, but he was willing to run with it. Osano puts a hand to his heart, trying to soothe its now senseless repeated bumping.

You also let out an audible sigh of relief, you were so glad that the hard part was over. For a moment, in Taeko's brief silence, you were afraid she wasn't gonna accept the apology... Which, you know is ironic considering all your preaching earlier of, 'She's been your friend for 15 years, she surely won't end your friendship over this!' However, in the moment it was all the more real. People like Taeko are nice, but even they have their limits.

Taeko's hand leaves yours as she goes to rub her temple, "I guess I should get going..., I let Hanakō run off on his own and I don't trust that he hasn't gotten in trouble." The sudden humor was a bit unexpected but very welcome. You mindlessly chuckle as you think about what her brother could be up to right now. "He's probably burned down half the world by now," Your quip made Taeko giggle, "Exactly, I'm going to get going. See you later Y/n, Osano." Taeko says her goodbyes, waving to you both as she walks away. You make a small wave back, turning your attention to a now calm Osano. He makes a big sigh, "That went better than expected, thanks for sticking up for me.., or whatever." Osano mumbles the last part, trying to sound nonchalant. You didn't mind his attitude, opting to just say, "No problem, I would feel bad if you had to deal with something that wasn't your fault anyway." Osano nodded and looked back to Taeko's retreating figure.


It only took a moment for you to point out, "Is it just me or is everyone leaving us alone today?" Your question made you giggle, soon adding, "Maybe it's a sign~" Osano rolled his eyes, unamused at your antics. "Of course, you would think that." Osano deadpanned. You shot up, "Hey, You never know!" Your words were playful and you tried to defend yourself against the male's cruel words. It felt strange, but after all the drama you two just went through, you felt much more confident in communicating with Osano. Perhaps it was because you knew he didn’t hate your very being, or maybe it was because of all the banter you heard with him and Raibaro. Whatever the reason was, your chest felt all the more lighter.

Despite himself, Osano gives a small chuckle, turning his attention back to you before asking, "You wanna walk home?" You shrugged with a small, "Sure." Picking up your feet and walking down the slanted hill, adjusting the white strap to your bag on your shoulder. Osano caught up to you, walking by your side like normal. What wasn't normal was how he looked back at the school, then at you curiously. "Aren't you supposed to be doing club duties?" The male asks, slowing down at his revelation. Making you reply with, "I don't have to go every day, I do usually, but today I don't feel like it." You shrug and look back at him. "Oh, that makes sense I guess." You nod and keep walking. It was true that normally you would be staying behind to help the club but with the whole apologizing to Taeko thing, you weren't sure if you had the mental energy to talk to the other club members...

“You’re lucky you don’t have a club, it must be nice not having any responsibilities after school.” You remark as Osano makes a huff for probably the 5th time today. “I do have responsibilities after school, they are just at home. That makes them 10 times more important than any school responsibility you do.” You couldn't stop making an eye-roll at his jab, a smirk appearing on his face in no less than a second from your reaction. Feeling like you shouldn't give him the satisfaction of seeing you annoyed, you keep your mouth closed and keep walking. Eventually making it down the hill, the cherry trees disappear behind you as the street and sidewalk welcome you. You turn left and walk down the sidewalk as always, leaving behind the day for a hopefully calmer evening.

A Race Against Time... (Yandere Simulator Male Rivals x Reader/Y/n x Various) - Chapter 3 - SincerelyAstra (2024)
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Author: Jerrold Considine

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Author information

Name: Jerrold Considine

Birthday: 1993-11-03

Address: Suite 447 3463 Marybelle Circles, New Marlin, AL 20765

Phone: +5816749283868

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Air sports, Sand art, Electronics, LARPing, Baseball, Book restoration, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.