Building (2024)

For Buildings in Cookie Clicker Classic, see Building (Cookie Clicker Classic).
For Buildings in Cookie Clicker Beta, see Cookie Clicker Beta#Buildings.

Buildings are important items in Cookie Clicker that generate cookies. They can be purchased from the rightmost section of the interface.

Starting with the classic version, the game initially had 6 buildings. Time machines were added in version 0.125. When the big update was out, farms were added in version 1.0. Antimatter condensers were added in version 1.036. Prisms were added in version 1.041. Chancemakers were added in version 2.0042. Fractal engines were added in version 2.021. Idleverses were added in version 2.048. You were added in 2.052.

There are 20 types of buildings in Cookie Clicker and the player can purchase multiple of each type. Every building after Grandma has:

  • Building (1)
    A base cost for purchasing the 1st building, which increases by 15% multiplicatively each time another of that building is purchased.
  • A base CpS that the player will be given for each of that building. This increases with upgrades and can be affected by CpS boosts like those from Milk or Prestige and effects like Frenzy.
  • Building (2)
    15 tiered upgrades that each double the production of that building, multiplying its CpS by 2[1].
  • Building (3)
    2 Synergy upgrades (unlocked from the heavenly upgrades Synergies Vol. I and Synergies Vol. II) that have that building as a base building or boosted building. Each Synergy upgrade has a base building and a boosted building, and results in the boosted building gaining +5% CpS per base building owned, and the base building gaining +0.1% CpS per boosted building owned. The boosted building is always higher up the building list than the base building.
  • An associated grandma type, which boosts its CpS depending on the amount of Grandmas; starting from Farms with a gain of +1% Farm CpS per 1 Grandma, the amount of Grandmas needed for +1% of its building's CpS increases by 1 for every subsequent building.
  • Building (4)
    1 fortune upgrade (unlocked from the Heavenly Upgrade Fortune Cookies) that increases the production of the building by 7% and lowers the cost of it by 7%.
  • Building (5)
    1 heavenly upgrade to unshackle the building, making unshackled tiered upgrades more effective.
  1. The first three tiered upgrades for Cursors double both Cursor production and cookies gained from clicking. The next tiered upgrade gives 0.1 base CpS to Cursors and 0.1 cookies gained from clicking for each non-cursor building owned. All following tiered upgrades multiply this effect by 5, 10 or 20.

For Grandmas, in addition to the content above, the CpS of Grandmas are also doubled by each Grandma type, Bingo center/Research facility, Ritual rolling pins, and Naughty list. They are also boosted from the Grandmapocalypse upgrades One mind, Communal brain sweep, and Elder Pact. Elderwort cookies boost Grandma CpS by 2%. Lastly, there are two other heavenly upgrades that boost Grandma CpS: Cat ladies, and Milkhelp® lactose intolerance relief tablets. Grandmas do not have synergy upgrades of their own, but are boosted from Javascript Consoles.

Cursors have a unique progression of upgrades. The first three upgrades double the base CpS, the fourth (Thousand fingers) increases CpS by 0.1 per non-Cursor building (which is unaffected by the previous upgrades), the fifth (Million fingers) multiplies the effectiveness of Thousand fingers by 5, the sixth (Billion fingers) by 10, and all subsequent tiered upgrades multiply its effectiveness by 20. The cursor upgrades also have a unique system of cost scaling. Unshackled cursors simply multiply the power of Thousand fingers by 25. Cursors do not have synergy upgrades of its own, but are boosted from Fractal Engines.

Cookie Clicker started with 7 buildings and obtained new buildings in versions 0.125, 1.0, 1.036, 1.041, 2.0, 2.0042, 2.016, 2.021, 2.031, 2.048, and 2.052 as the final building.


  • 1 Building Prices
  • 2 Sugar Lump Leveling
  • 3 List of Buildings
  • 4 Trivia

Building Prices[]

Each building's price is calculated with the following formula (without taking discount upgrades and auras in account), rounded up to the next integer:

Building (6)
where M – the number of that type of building currently owned;
F – the number of that type of building you have for free (cursors and grandmas you get from Starter kit and Starter kitchen prestige upgrades.)

Or, equivalently:

Building (7)

For approximate calculations when one is not in the mood to use a calculator, this translates roughly to a doubling of price every 5 buildings, and a thousand increase every 50.

Additionally, one may also want to know the total amount of cookies they'd spend if they were to buy the same building several times in a row. In that case, one must add up the price of each individual building in the list.

For reference, use this price multiplier for Buy 10:

Building (8)

And this one for Buy 100:

Building (9)

The cumulative price for N buildings is calculated as a finite geometric series:

Building (10)

If you already have some buildings (for example, if you have 200 Cursors and want to know how much you will spend to reach 240), you can edit a bit the previous formula and get:

Building (11)
Which can also be represented as Building (12)

Where a is the number of buildings you have, and b is the number you wish to have.

As a shortcut, here's a table listing the total cost of buying N buildings, as well as the price for each individual building:

Building No.Unit PriceTotal Cookies Needed

You can get discounts with the following game elements:

  • Season saving gives a 1% discount
  • Santa's dominion gives a 1% discount
  • Faberge egg gives a 1% discount
  • Divine discount gives a 1% discount
  • Everything must go gives a 5% discount
  • Dotjeiess spirit gives a 7%/5%/2% discount on the Diamond/Ruby/Jade slot
  • Fierce Hoarder aura gives a 2% discount
  • Reality Bending aura gives a 0.2% discount (stacking additively with Fierce Hoarder aura)
  • Summon Crafty Pixies spell gives a 2% discount
  • Fortune Cookie upgrade #100 gives a 1% discount, and upgrades #001-#020 give a 7% discount to specific buildings
  • Cheapcaps planted in clay give a discount of 0.25% each
    • Nursetulips boost Cheapcaps, which allows for a higher discount from them
      • Nursetulips can be unearthed without losing its boost and baby Cheapcaps can be planted in their place, resulting in an even higher discount from them

These discounts stack multiplicatively. The maximal possible discount is

Building (13)

25% of the building's current price (50% with Earth Shatterer aura) comes back when sold. This is actually 1.15 times the amount displayed on the button, as the calculation for the button label uses the original price of the building to be sold rather than the price of the next building. The actual refund of a building is thus 28.75% (57.5% with Earth Shatterer) times the amountof cookies needed to buy it, times +2% for scp backfire.

A Crafty Pixies backfire increases the refund by 2%, yielding a factor of 29.325% (58.65% with Earth Shatterer).

Sugar Lump Leveling[]

By leveling up buildings using sugar lumps, they will grant 1% more CpS. Each building has an achievement for reaching level 10, and level 12 Cursors are required to fully upgrade the Stock Market headquarters. Currently, 1,255 sugar lumps are required to get Cursors to level 20 and all other buildings to level 10. Some buildings will also enable minigames like the Garden when upgraded to Level 1, which grants you further CpS boosts. Leveling up Wizard Tower gives you Grimoire, which can cast spells for various effects such as more cookies, summoning golden cookies, or summoning wrinklers. Leveling up Temples gives Pantheon, which lets you slot gods in order to gain various positive effects in exchange for a negative effect. The power of the positive and negative effect depends on the slot the gods are in. Leveling up the Bank gives the Stock Market, which lets you buy and sell stocks to make a profit in cookies (shown as dollars within the minigame).

List of Buildings[]

This section lists all the buildings currently in Cookie Clicker, along with stats like base cost, base CpS, maximum CpS, etc. Abbreviations used in the table below:

N – Total number of buildings
C – Number of Cursors
G – Number of Grandmas
Fr – Number of Farms
M – Number of Mines
Fc – Number of Factories
B – Number of Banks
T – Number of Temples
W – Number of Wizard towers
S – Number of Shipments
AL – Number of Alchemy labs
Po – Number of Portals
TM – Number of Time machines
AC – Number of Antimatter condensers
Pr – Number of Prisms
Ch – Number of Chancemakers
FE – Number of Fractal Engines
JC - Number of Javascript Consoles
Iv - Number of Idleverses
CB - Number of Cortex Bakers
Y - Number of You
BuildingSprite sizeBase CostIDBase CpSMaximum build countMax CpSHas grandma type?Initial Payoff TimeNumber of synergiesNumber of Upgrades

Building (14)

64x641500.15059(68.48 trillion
× (N - C) + 0.856)
× (1 + FE/20)
no150 seconds,
2.5 minutes
1915 tiered
+ 1 synergy
+ 1 fortune
+ 1 unshackled

Building (15)

64x64100115047936,228 trillion
× (1 + G/25 + Po/20)
× (1 + (N - G)/90.91)
× (1 + JC/20)
no100 seconds,
1.7 minutes
1915 tiered
+ 5 research
+ 2 miscellaneous
+ 17 grandma types
+ 1 synergy
+ 1 fortune
+ 2 heavenly
+ 1 unshackled

Building (16)

64x641,1002850284.258 billion
× (1 + T/20)
× (1 + W/20)
× (1 + Po/20)
× (1 + TM/20)
× (1 + CB/20)
× (1 + G/100)
yes138 seconds,
2.3 minutes
515 tiered
+ 1 grandma type
+ 5 synergies
+ 1 fortune
+ 1 unshackled

Building (17)

64x6412,000347501116.769 billion
× (1 + W/20)
× (1 + S/20)2
× (1 + AL/20)
× (1 + Ch/20)
× (1 + G/200)
yes255 seconds,
4.3 minutes
415 tiered
+ 1 grandma type
+ 5 synergies
+ 1 fortune
+ 1 unshackled

Building (18)

64x64130,0004260499661.503 billion
× (1 + B/20)
× (1 + S/20)
× (1 + TM/20)
× (1 + AC/20)
× (1 + G/300)
yes500 seconds,
8.3 minutes
415 tiered
+ 1 grandma type
+ 4 synergies
+ 1 fortune
+ 1 unshackled

Building (19)

64x641.4 million51,4004977217.036 billion
× (1 + Fc/1,000)
× (1 + AL/20)
× (1 + Po/20)
× (1 + AC/20)
× (1 + G/400)
yes1,000 seconds,
16.7 minutes
415 tiered
+ 1 grandma type
+ 4 synergies
+ 1 fortune
+ 1 unshackled

Building (20)

64x6420 million67,8004958782.820 billion
× (1 + Fr/1,000)
× (1 + Po/20)
× (1 + AC/20)
× (1 + Pr/20)
× (1 + CB/20)
× (1 + G/500)
yes2,564 seconds,
42.7 minutes
515 tiered
+ 1 grandma type
+ 5 synergies
+ 1 fortune
+ 1 unshackled

Building (21)

Wizard Tower
64x64330 million744,00049382.822 trillion
× (1 + Fr/1,000)
× (1 + M/1,000)
× (1 + AL/20)
× (1 + Pr/20)
× (1 + G/600)
yes7,500 seconds,
125 minutes,
2.1 hours
415 tiered
+ 1 grandma type
+ 4 synergies
+ 1 fortune
+ 1 unshackled

Building (22)

64x645.1 billion8260,000491810.510 trillion
× (1 + M/1,000)2
× (1 + Fc/1,000)
× (1 + TM/20)
× (1 + G/700)
yes19,615 seconds,
326.9 minutes,
5.4 hours
315 tiered
+ 1 grandma type
+ 4 synergies
+ 1 fortune
+ 1 unshackled

Building (23)

Alchemy Lab
64x6475 billion91.6 million489940.173 trillion
× (1 + M/1,000)
× (1 + B/1,000)
× (1 + W/1,000)
× (1 + AC/20)
× (1 + G/800)
yes46,875 seconds,
781.3 minutes,
13 hours
415 tiered
+ 1 grandma type
+ 4 synergies
+ 1 fortune
+ 1 unshackled

Building (24)

64x641 trillion1010 million4880153.533 trillion
× (1 + Fr/1,000)
× (1 + B/1,000)
× (1 + T/1,000)
× (1 + Pr/20)
× (1 + Iv/20)
× (1 + G/900)
yes100,000 seconds,
1,666.7 minutes,
27.8 hours,
1.16 days
615 tiered
+ 1 grandma type
+ 5 synergies
+ 1 fortune
+ 1 unshackled

Building (25)

Time Machine
64x6414 trillion1165 million4861600.160 trillion
× (1 + Fr/1,000)
× (1 + Fc/1,000)
× (1 + S/1,000)
× (1 + Pr/20)
× (1 + Y/20)
× (1 + G/1,000)
yes215,385 seconds,
3,589.8 minutes,
59.8 hours,
2.49 days
515 tiered
+ 1 grandma type
+ 5 synergies
+ 1 fortune
+ 1 unshackled

Building (26)

Antimatter Condenser
64x64170 trillion12430 million48442.345 quadrillion
× (1 + Fc/1,000)
× (1 + B/1,000)
× (1 + T/1,000)
× (1 + AL/1,000)
× (1 + Ch/20)
× (1 + G/1,100)
yes395,348 seconds,
6,589.1 minutes,
109.8 hours,
4.58 days
515 tiered
+ 1 grandma type
+ 5 synergies
+ 1 fortune
+ 1 unshackled

Building (27)

64x642.1 quadrillion132.9 billion48269.167 quadrillion
× (1 + T/1,000)
× (1 + W/1,000)
× (1 + Po/1,000)
× (1 + TM/1,000)
× (1 + FE/20)
× (1 + G/1,200)
yes724,137 seconds,
12,069 minutes,
201.1 hours,
8.38 days
515 tiered
+ 1 grandma type
+ 5 synergies
+ 1 fortune
+ 1 unshackled

Building (28)

64x6426 quadrillion1421 billion480837.688 quadrillion
× (1 + M/1,000)
× (1 + AC/1,000)
× (1 + JC/20)
× (1 + G/1,300)
yes1,238,095 seconds,
20,634.9 minutes,
343.9 hours,
13.33 days
315 tiered
+ 1 grandma type
+ 3 synergies
+ 1 fortune
+ 1 unshackled

Building (29)

Fractal Engine
64x64310 quadrillion15150 billion4790149.477 quadrillion
× (1 + C/1,000)
× (1 + Pr/1,000)
× (1 + Iv/20)
× (1 + G/1,400)
yes2,066,666 seconds,
34,444.4 minutes,
574.1 hours,
23.92 days
315 tiered
+ 1 grandma type
+ 3 synergies
+ 1 fortune
+ 1 unshackled

Building (30)

Javascript Console
64x6471 quintillion161.1 trillion4751594.217 quadrillion
× (1 + G/1,000)
× (1 + Ch/1,000)
× (1 + Y/20)
× (1 + G/1,500)
747.05 days,
2.05 years
315 tiered
+ 1 grandma type
+ 3 synergies
+ 1 fortune
+ 1 unshackled

Building (31)

64x6412 sextillion178.3 trillion47142.368 quintillion
× (1 + Po/1,000)
× (1 + FE/1,000)
× (1 + G/1,600)
16,733.6 days,
45.8 years
215 tiered
+ 1 grandma type
+ 2 synergies
+ 1 fortune
+ 1 unshackled

Building (32)

Cortex Baker
64x641.9 septillion1864 trillion46789.374 quintillion
× (1 + Fr/1,000)
× (1 + T/1,000)
× (1 + G/1,700)
yes29,687,500,000 seconds,
494,791,666.7 minutes,
8,246,527.8 hours,
343,605.3 days,
941.4 years
215 tiered
+ 1 grandma type
+ 2 synergies
+ 1 fortune
+ 1 unshackled

Building (33)

64x64540 septillion19510 trillion463837.349 quintillion
× (1 + TM/1,000)
× (1 + JC/1,000)
× (1 + G/1,800)
yes1,058,823,529,412 seconds,
17,647,058,823.5 minutes,
294,117,647.1 hours,
12,254,902.0 days,
33,575.1 years
215 tiered
+ 1 grandma type
+ 2 synergies
+ 1 fortune
+ 1 unshackled


  • Purchasing 700 of every building without any discount would have a cumulative cost of approximately 11.126 duovigintillion cookies.
  • As the prices rise the more of a building you own, the price will eventually reach 21024, the max number of Double-precision floating-point format, a number too large to process, and the price will say Infinity and you cannot buy more unless you cheat to lower the prices or obtain more buildings, etc. Taking all the discounts and free buildings into account, the maximum numbers are 5,071 cursors, 5,053 grandmas, 5,031 farms, 5,014 mines, 4,996 factories, 4,979 banks, 4,960 temples, 4,940 wizard towers, 4,921 shipments, 4,902 alchemy labs, 4,883 portals, 4,864 time machines, 4,846 antimatter condensers, 4,828 prisms, 4,810 chancemakers, 4,793 fractal engines, 4,754 javascript console, 4,717 idleverses, 4,681 cortex bakers, and 4,640 You.
  • An updated spreadsheet with the base cost of every building to the purchase limit can be found here.
Building (34)
Building (35)
Building (36)
Building (37)
Building (38)
Building (39)
Building (40)
Building (41)
Wizard Tower
Building (42)
Building (43)
Alchemy Lab
Building (44)
Building (45)
Time Machine
Building (46)
Antimatter Condenser
Building (47)
Building (48)
Building (49)
Fractal Engine
Building (50)
Javascript Console
Building (51)
Building (52)
Cortex Baker
Building (53)
Buildings overview

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Cookie Clicker game mechanics

This box: viewtalkedit

CookiesCookie ClickerClickingBuildings
GeneralAchievementsGolden CookiesMilkSugar LumpsNews TickerOptionsCheating
Cookies per Second (CpS)Cookies per Click (CpC)
UpgradesUpgrades overview
Multipliers: Flavored CookiesKittens
Research: GrandmapocalypseWrath CookiesWrinklersShiny wrinklers
AscensionAscensionHeavenly ChipsChallenge ModeKrumblor
SeasonsSeasons overview
Valentine's DayBusiness DayEasterHalloweenChristmas
MinigamesMinigames overview
GardenStock MarketPantheonGrimoireDungeons (Beta)
Further readingGameplay
Building (2024)
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Author: Dan Stracke

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Name: Dan Stracke

Birthday: 1992-08-25

Address: 2253 Brown Springs, East Alla, OH 38634-0309

Phone: +398735162064

Job: Investor Government Associate

Hobby: Shopping, LARPing, Scrapbooking, Surfing, Slacklining, Dance, Glassblowing

Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.