North Carolina is on the verge of getting a MAGA governor. Why do we let this happen? (2024)

There’s a type of person who thrives off of angering people online. They are commonly referred to as a “troll,” someone who likes being provocative to get a rise out of netizens who come across the post.

Donald Trump proved in 2016 that being a troll can win you an election and now is proving it can get you a second presidential nomination.

In North Carolina, my home state, there are two trolls on the ballot this year.Trump, whom you've heard of, and another who hopes to one day be just as famous.

There has been a lot of recent coverage of North Carolina Republican Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson, now a gubernatorial candidate. Earlier this week, The Washington Post wrote about Robinson’s Facebook posts defending abusers like Harvey Weinstein.

“Harvey Weinstein and the rest of these high profile Hollywood elites were merely sacrificial lambs,” Robinson said in a 2017 Facebook post, after dozens of women came forward to share their stories of Weinstein's sexual abuse. “They have been slaughtered in order to smear the airwaves with talk of ‘sexual harassment’ and how pervasive the culture of ‘toxic masculinity’ is in America.”

I’ve been following Robinson’s rise for years. It isn’t the first time the gubernatorial candidate has made headlines for the outlandish things he says.It also doesn't seem to be affecting his political career.

Mark Robinson's greatest hits of offensive comments

North Carolina is on the verge of getting a MAGA governor. Why do we let this happen? (1)

In 2021, he caught statewide attention for referring to gay and transgender people as “filth.” A year later, he faced scrutiny for a 2012 Facebook comment where he admitted to paying for an abortion in 1989, despite being staunchly pro-life as a politician. There was a period where his Facebook posts could have constituted a column a week with how controversial they are.

Despite the negative press attention, Robinson has a fighting chance of becoming North Carolina's governor in November. ChristopherCooper, a political science professor at Western Carolina University, told me that the odds are almost 50/50.

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“He is good at getting his name out there, and he was able to win the primary, and that in North Carolina gives you about a coin toss chance to win the general,” Cooper said.

With Robinson, North Carolina has created another MAGA politician whose words never seem to hurt their chances of winning an election.

A quick ascent to political celebrity

In 2018, Robinson was just a regular guy when a video of him speaking at a Greensboro City Council meeting was shared by Mark Walker, the district’s U.S. representative at the time.

It gained millions of views on Facebook and landed Robinson on "Fox & Friends." In 2020, he ran for lieutenant governor of North Carolina, a position with name recognition yet very little power. Despite never holding public office, he beat Democratic candidate Yvonne Lewis Holley and took office in 2021.

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Since then, Robinson has become something of a right-wing celebrity. He has spoken at the National Rifle Association’s convention and the Conservative Political Action Conference. He’s been on Fox News repeatedly.

He has more than 175,000 followers on Facebook and 115,000 on X, formerly Twitter. Recently, New York magazine went so far as to refer to him in a headline as “MAGA’s Great Black Hope.”

Robinson is made in Trump's MAGA image – including scare tactics

North Carolina is on the verge of getting a MAGA governor. Why do we let this happen? (2)

In a way, Robinson’s rise to power mirrors Trump’s.Like Trump and other MAGA Republicans, Robinson thrives in the culture war. It extends past his online persona despite what little power he has as lieutenant governor.

In 2021, he began a task force to out teachers "indoctrinating" students. It was at the height of school board debates on "critical race theory."

Despite the promise of proof and 506 submissions to the task force in the first six weeks, there was little evidence that teachers were actually corrupting the state's youth. For a MAGA politician, the end result is never the point. The objective is to make as much noise about a social issue as possible, rile up the base and create a fake crusade against anything deemed "woke." When the proof isn't there, there is never an admittance of wrongs. They just move on to the next boogeyman.

Despite the scare tactics, it's clear that Robinson reflects some of the state's politics. In the past year alone, North Carolina has rolled back abortion access by instituting a 12-week ban and has villainized trans people through a series of anti-LGBTQ+ bills.

On the other hand, he has said things that even give Republicans pause. While acting as governor last October, he declared the state's support of Israel in the war with Hamas. It resulted in people calling him out for past antisemitic remarks he had made, including a Facebook post that outright denied the Holocaust happened.

The right does not seem to care about the horrible things Robinson has said – if they do, they aren't being vocal enough about it.

“Would he be better off if he wasn't so outlandish?” Cooper asked. “Probably, probably at the margins. But no rhetoric is going to tank a Republican or a Democratic candidate for a statewide office in North Carolina. It's just too close, and crossover voting is too rare.”

It's frustrating that nothing seems capable of sinking Robinson's gubernatorial odds, despite the horrible things he has said over the years.

It also isn't surprising. MAGA Republicans like Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia and Trump himself have been able to soar past their conspiracy theories and social media posts to become legitimate threats to democracy, no matter how much we try to convince ourselves that there's no way they can win.

That's exactly how people treated Trump in 2016, and we saw what happened there. North Carolina is on the verge of finding out after November.

Follow USA TODAY elections columnist Sara Pequeño on X, formerly Twitter, @sara__pequeno and Facebook

North Carolina is on the verge of getting a MAGA governor. Why do we let this happen? (2024)


How long can a governor serve in North Carolina? ›

Statewide Offices
OfficeTerms of Office
Governor4 years; limited to two consecutive terms
Lt. Governor4 years; limited to two consecutive terms
Secretary of State4 years; No term limit
State Auditor4 years; No term limit
6 more rows

What are the duties of the NC governor? ›

The office has extensive powers of appointment of executive branch officials, some judges, and members of boards and commissions. Governors are also empowered to grant pardons and veto legislation. Historically, North Carolina has had a weak governor with limited authority.

How many governors has North Carolina had? ›

There have been 69 governors of North Carolina, with six serving non-consecutive terms, totaling 75 terms. The current governor is Democrat Roy Cooper, who took office on January 1, 2017.

Who is the new governor of NC? ›

Governor Roy Cooper

Roy Cooper is honored to serve as North Carolina's Governor. He understands the challenges facing our families and communities and wants to build a North Carolina that works for everyone.

How long has Roy Cooper been governor of North Carolina? ›

Roy Asberry Cooper III (born June 13, 1957) is an American attorney and politician serving since 2017 as the 75th governor of North Carolina.

How much does the NC governor make? ›

(a) (Effective July 1, 2024) The salary of the Governor shall be two hundred three thousand seventy‑three dollars ($203,073) annually, payable monthly.

Can an NC governor be impeached? ›

(5) Impeachment. Removal of the Governor from office for any other cause shall be by impeachment.

Who is the longest tenured governor in North Carolina history? ›

James Baxter Hunt Jr.

He is the longest-serving governor in the state's history.

Who was the first female governor of NC? ›

Beverly Eaves Perdue (born Beverly Marlene Moore; January 14, 1947) is an American businesswoman, politician, and member of the Democratic Party who served as the 73rd governor of North Carolina from 2009 to 2013. She was the first female governor of North Carolina.

Is NC Republican or Democrat? ›

In North Carolina, not only are about a third of registered voters Democratic, a third Republican, and a third unaffiliated (view our Voter Registration Statistics page for details); but also, top-of-ballot contest winners in our state historically have been a mix of Republicans and Democrats, even in the same election ...

Does the NC governor live in the governor's mansion? ›

The North Carolina Executive Mansion is the official residence of the Governor of North Carolina and their family. Building began in the year 1883 and it was designed by architects Samuel Sloan and A.G. Bauer.

Has anyone been governor of two states? ›

The only person ever to serve as governor of more than one state, SAMUEL HOUSTON was born in Rockbridge County, Virginia and moved to Tennessee as a child.

What is the state motto of North Carolina? ›

The Latin phrase Esse Quam Videri, “to be rather than to seem,” was chosen as the North Carolina state motto by jurist and historian Walter Clark.

Who was the last royal governor of North Carolina? ›

Josiah Martin, last royal governor of North Carolina, was born in Dublin, Ireland, the son of Colonel Samuel and Sarah Wyke Irish Martin of Greencastle, Antigua, West Indies.

What is NC governor's name? ›

Can a governor serve 3 terms? ›

How long does the Governor serve and can he or she serve more than one term? The governor holds the office for four years and can choose to run for reelection. The Governor is not eligible to serve more than eight years in any twelve-year period.

What states have no term limits for governor? ›

Gubernatorial Term limits

In New Hampshire, Vermont, Connecticut, Idaho, Illinois, Iowa, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New York, Texas, Utah, Washington and Wisconsin the governor can serve for an unlimited amount of time with no restriction of any kind.

What is the longest a governor has served? ›

List of longest-serving governors of U.S. states
#GovernorTime in office
1Terry Branstad8,169 days
2George Clinton7,641 days
3George Wallace5,848 days
4Jerry Brown5,847 days
74 more rows

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