The petrodollar died. RIP. (2024)

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The petrodollar died. RIP. (1)

Re: The petrodollar died. RIP.

jaguartx#19519797Yesterday at 11:58 AM

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jaguartxThe petrodollar died. RIP. (2)

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The petrodollar died. RIP. (3)


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Originally Posted by jaguartx

Originally Posted by antelope_sniper

Originally Posted by gunchamp

Originally Posted by Houston_2

Originally Posted by gunchamp

Originally Posted by Houston_2

Originally Posted by gunchamp

Originally Posted by Houston_2

58% of total international trade is conducted totally in USD.

89% is conducted with the USD on one side of the international exchanges in trade.

Those here so worried and flustered that the sky is falling,,,, how many of you are presently shorting the USD?

As far as BRICs goes different countries have been trading with each other for eons within their own respective currencies or trading goods in kind.

Those numbers are skewed. Look into what the Russians and the Chinese were trading in say 4 years ago, then look at the present. There is a huge shift away from the dollar. Its a fact its happening. Currently, the dollar still is the safest bet, but its moving quickly in the other direction. Also, please do NOT use google to do your searches. It is controlled by the elites and will not guide you to the answers you are looking for, only what they want you to believe

Champ, the numbers are in no way skewed. They are current as of December 2023.

As far as Russia and China trading, China has Russia over a barrel demanding heavily marked down prices and getting those prices. There is no love between them.

Now, again, if folks are so adamant and dead certain about the demise of the USD how many of you are shorting the USD to make a financial killing over what you believe is happening?

Another question Champ and not directly to you per se but what is the name of the denomination of this BRICs currency?

Im sorry houston, thats just not true

Champ it is true. I just told you that China has Russia over a barrel. Russia has no choice but to accept yuan. Look at the FX exchange rates for the yuan, USD and the ruble.

Further, China cannot and will not pay Russia in USD because sanctions will cut China off completely from USD trade. Google it, DuckDuckGo it.

Did you ever find a name for that so called BRICs currency?

Something else here comes to mind and that’s it appears those that are yelling about the sky falling and total implosion occurring seem to be those least prepared for those possibilities of they just don’t have the necessary assets to protect in the first place. Jmo

I got you. Must have misunderstood what you were saying. As for the brics currency, in the end imo, it will be the yuan. As for being protected, Im as protected as I can be to a point, but there are too many uncertains for the future currently to feel great about any preps. Crystal ball would be nice for sure

There will be no "BRIC's Currency".

No one wants any of those currencies in their portfolio, let alone a basket of them them.

BS.The World, Trump and GOD wants currency backed by gold and silver.

It's a Done Deal. Your NWO Globalist Cabal Illuminati pukes wanted the petrodollar to be replaced by more Satanic currency such as the USDC so they could control the people by shutting off buying power to those who d9nt submit.

It would allow the P9kes to see everything you buy.

Not happening.

We are going back to US Treasury certificates backed by precious metals as our original Constitution of tge Republic require.

No more Fiat currency the cabal controls and prints out of thin air to decrease the value of to steal from us slaves.


Trump did it PTL..

Ecc 10:2
The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but that of a fool to the left.

A Nation which leaves God behind is soon left behind.

"The Lord never asked anyone to be a tax collector, lowyer, or Redskins fan".

I Dindo Nuffin


The petrodollar died. RIP. (4)

Re: The petrodollar died. RIP.

Houston_2#19519905Yesterday at 12:52 PM

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gunchampThe petrodollar died. RIP. (6)

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Originally Posted by Houston_2

Originally Posted by antelope_sniper

Originally Posted by gunchamp

Originally Posted by Houston_2

Originally Posted by gunchamp

Originally Posted by Houston_2

Originally Posted by gunchamp

Originally Posted by Houston_2

58% of total international trade is conducted totally in USD.

89% is conducted with the USD on one side of the international exchanges in trade.

Those here so worried and flustered that the sky is falling,,,, how many of you are presently shorting the USD?

As far as BRICs goes different countries have been trading with each other for eons within their own respective currencies or trading goods in kind.

Those numbers are skewed. Look into what the Russians and the Chinese were trading in say 4 years ago, then look at the present. There is a huge shift away from the dollar. Its a fact its happening. Currently, the dollar still is the safest bet, but its moving quickly in the other direction. Also, please do NOT use google to do your searches. It is controlled by the elites and will not guide you to the answers you are looking for, only what they want you to believe

Champ, the numbers are in no way skewed. They are current as of December 2023.

As far as Russia and China trading, China has Russia over a barrel demanding heavily marked down prices and getting those prices. There is no love between them.

Now, again, if folks are so adamant and dead certain about the demise of the USD how many of you are shorting the USD to make a financial killing over what you believe is happening?

Another question Champ and not directly to you per se but what is the name of the denomination of this BRICs currency?

Im sorry houston, thats just not true

Champ it is true. I just told you that China has Russia over a barrel. Russia has no choice but to accept yuan. Look at the FX exchange rates for the yuan, USD and the ruble.

Further, China cannot and will not pay Russia in USD because sanctions will cut China off completely from USD trade. Google it, DuckDuckGo it.

Did you ever find a name for that so called BRICs currency?

Something else here comes to mind and that’s it appears those that are yelling about the sky falling and total implosion occurring seem to be those least prepared for those possibilities of they just don’t have the necessary assets to protect in the first place. Jmo

I got you. Must have misunderstood what you were saying. As for the brics currency, in the end imo, it will be the yuan. As for being protected, Im as protected as I can be to a point, but there are too many uncertains for the future currently to feel great about any preps. Crystal ball would be nice for sure

There will be no "BRIC's Currency".

No one wants any of those currencies in their portfolio, let alone a basket of them them.

That Basket of currencies would have to reflect something along the lines of the Euro like the European Union put together.

Looking at the BRICs nations one would have to swing the big stick. You can’t have 2 roosters in one hen house.

Exactly and imo, thats where China comes in

The petrodollar died. RIP. (9)

Re: The petrodollar died. RIP.

rem shooter#19519924Yesterday at 01:03 PM

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ldholtonThe petrodollar died. RIP. (10)

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all this Wall Street free money on paper made in the stock market and 401ks and such. is really backed by what? I broke ass country that's so far in debt it's most likely never going to get out..

The petrodollar died. RIP. (12)

Re: The petrodollar died. RIP.

gunchamp#19519934Yesterday at 01:09 PM

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AussieGunWriterThe petrodollar died. RIP. (13)

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Originally Posted by gunchamp

Honest question. My last hope is Trump, so Im hoping and praying the man gets in and succeeds. But I think we are past the point of no return. Question is, with everything we have seen and how large and untouchable the deep state really is, do any of you truly believe that Trump can actually right this ship? I cant imagine a scenario where he is able to fight off the entire gov that is stacked against him. Once again, Im still praying for the even slight chance that he can, but I just dont see it if Im being honest. By NO means am I saying to stay home in Nov. Ive stated numerous times that we need to turn out in numbers never seen before to make it hell on the fuggers that want to steal it

Trump will win, but the machine will try and control the houses. A full red ticket down the line is the only vote worth making.

As for the economy, reducing the deficit is tough, but what is achievable in 4 years, is reducing the % of debt against the GDP by growing the economy and driving that change through the reduction of regulations to free up the markets and putting % reductions on spending for the majority of government which is factually non essential spending.

Just that, will drive huge gains and Trump will end his term as the turnaround President.

2028 will be the year of the chic with no dic. Huckerby Sanders against Jen Psaki. Watch for it.

When truth is ignored, it does not change an untruth from remaining a lie.

The petrodollar died. RIP. (15)

Re: The petrodollar died. RIP.

rem shooter#19519958Yesterday at 01:26 PM

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alwaysoutdoorsThe petrodollar died. RIP. (16)

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Never heard of her

The petrodollar died. RIP. (18)


The petrodollar died. RIP. (19)

Re: The petrodollar died. RIP.

gunchamp#19519962Yesterday at 01:29 PM

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ribkaThe petrodollar died. RIP. (20)

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Where are all of the boomer geniuses who supported war with Russia, China, war with the Mid East ( Yemen, Syria, Iran, ...) ? Plus all of the US sanctions against Russia, Venezuela, China, Iran, Syria, Yemen African countries that ended up creating BRICS and caused these countries to be more self sufficient and ended up bankrupting Europe, the US and destabilized poor counties around the world which caused millions of economic refugees to flood our open borders.

Whoever is the next potus will inherit Biden regime's schitshow. It will takers or decades to recover

boomer clown world again

Originally Posted by gunchamp

Originally Posted by AKwolverine

Originally Posted by gunchamp

Originally Posted by AKwolverine

Originally Posted by gunchamp

The dollar is going to crash and theres going to be alot of co*cky people who thought their retirements were completely safe, ending up as a broke down old door greeter at their local walmart. Pretty obvious why they are starting ww3, but I guess that isnt happening either according to some in here lol

With this kind of knowledge, you ought to be able to gain untold amounts of wealth playing the crashing dollar.

And here is one of the ones I was talking about. You will be f ucked in the very near future, because you inability to see whats coming or the way you just choose to ignore it, will have you set up for massive failure

That’s awfully presumptive; you have no clue how I’m invested or hedged. I don’t share your worldview that the sky is perpetually falling but that doesn’t mean the possibility - as statistically improbable as it is - has not been taken into consideration.

But at some point you have to begin to try and prepare, if thats even possible. Look around at where we are. Its bad, theres no sugar coating it. Russia is ruuning drills within view of florida. They have war ships, hypersonic missiles and lord knows what else in Cuba. We are currently sending rockets into Russias homeland. Russia has now aligned completely with China and NK and all are beating the war drum. The dollar is dying, economy is chit, inflation is out of control. I can go on, but do you trust the powers in this country are going to fix this? Hell, do you think they even have some sort of a plan that involves helping us? I dont

Last edited by ribka; Yesterday at 01:32 PM.

The petrodollar died. RIP. (22)

Re: The petrodollar died. RIP.

ribka#19519970Yesterday at 01:32 PM

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The_Real_HawkeyeThe petrodollar died. RIP. (23)

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Originally Posted by ribka

and destabilized poor counties around the world which caused millions of economic refugees to flood our open borders.

boomer clown world again

What caused that was a world wide agreement by a cabal not to enforce the borders of White countries. The flood was the natural consequence of that.

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The petrodollar died. RIP. (25)

Re: The petrodollar died. RIP.

Burleyboy#19519975Yesterday at 01:34 PM

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Originally Posted by Burleyboy

I know the Saudis suffer from food insecurities and produce basically nothing technological. They are always going to be dependent on selling their oil and importing food. Although they don't have to do either with us the global market will adjust about the same no matter where they sell it.

Biden just screwed us out of one of the ways our dollar was bolstered globally. I can't blame other countries for no longer wanting anything to do with the Biden regime involved in their trade.

It's time we recognize the Saudis aren't looking out for us and consider carefully what we do for them. I think they are a big part of the reason we got caught up in the Iraq mess. No one wanted Sadam gone more than them and it's interesting to note who flew the planes into our buildings to kick it all off.

It was Israel and Saudi Arabia that goaded the US into endless Middle East wars


The petrodollar died. RIP. (28)

Re: The petrodollar died. RIP.

The_Real_Hawkeye#19519976Yesterday at 01:35 PM

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ribkaThe petrodollar died. RIP. (29)

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Originally Posted by The_Real_Hawkeye

Originally Posted by ribka

and destabilized poor counties around the world which caused millions of economic refugees to flood our open borders.

boomer clown world again

What caused that was a world wide agreement by a cabal not to enforce the borders of White countries. The flood was the natural consequence of that.

yep the cabal that cannot be mentioned. We destroyed ourselves

The petrodollar died. RIP. (31)

Re: The petrodollar died. RIP.

rem shooter#19519978Yesterday at 01:37 PM

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SharpsmanThe petrodollar died. RIP. (32)

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China ain't gonna do squat except blow air and continue to s hit their britches eco-wise! As far wiping the USA out and trashing the dollar....bulls hit galore! The USA dollar is the only thing that's kept them alive for the past 40 years! All you wise asses that think you're brilliant need to go take a good s hit because it's backed up and causing pressure in the area that's supposed to be the brain area!!

Last edited by Sharpsman; Yesterday at 01:37 PM.

Even birds know not to land downwind!


The petrodollar died. RIP. (34)

Re: The petrodollar died. RIP.

AussieGunWriter#19520019Yesterday at 01:51 PM

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AKislanderThe petrodollar died. RIP. (35)

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Originally Posted by AussieGunWriter

. . .

As for the economy, reducing the deficit is tough, . . .

"Reducing the deficit" is a nonsense sound-bite uttered by politicians, bureaucrats and media whor*s to make a dumbed-down populace think that they're talking about eliminating debt. In fact it just means adding more debt as has been the (unsustainable) practice for decade after decade.

The debt will never be repaid.

The petrodollar died. RIP. (37)

Re: The petrodollar died. RIP.

AKislander#19520022Yesterday at 01:54 PM

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ldholtonThe petrodollar died. RIP. (38)

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Originally Posted by AKislander

Originally Posted by AussieGunWriter

. . .

As for the economy, reducing the deficit is tough, . . .

"Reducing the deficit" is a nonsense sound-bite uttered by politicians, bureaucrats and media whor*s to make a dumbed-down populace think that they're talking about eliminating debt. In fact it just means adding more debt as has been the (unsustainable) practice for decade after decade.

The debt will never be repaid.

which leads to even more issues because we continually pay interest on that debt... which leaves less money to actually work with not to go in debt more and more all the time..

The petrodollar died. RIP. (40)

Re: The petrodollar died. RIP.

gunchamp#19520057Yesterday at 02:14 PM

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Houston_2The petrodollar died. RIP. (41)

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Those numbers are skewed. Look into what the Russians and the Chinese were trading in say 4 years ago, then look at the present. There is a huge shift away from the dollar. It’s a fact it’s happening. Currently, the dollar still is the safest bet, but it’s moving quickly in the other direction. Also, please do NOT use google to do your searches. It is controlled by the elites and will not guide you to the answers you are looking for, only what they want you to believe[/quote]

Champ, the numbers are in no way skewed. They are current as of December 2023.

As far as Russia and China trading, China has Russia over a barrel demanding heavily marked down prices and getting those prices. There is no love between them.

Now, again, if folks are so adamant and dead certain about the demise of the USD how many of you are shorting the USD to make a financial killing over what you believe is happening?

Another question Champ and not directly to you per se but what is the name of the denomination of this BRICs currency?[/quote]
Im sorry houston, thats just not true[/quote]

Champ it is true. I just told you that China has Russia over a barrel. Russia has no choice but to accept yuan. Look at the FX exchange rates for the yuan, USD and the ruble.

Further, China cannot and will not pay Russia in USD because sanctions will cut China off completely from USD trade. Google it, DuckDuckGo it.

Did you ever find a name for that so called BRICs currency?

Something else here comes to mind and that’s it appears those that are yelling about the sky falling and total implosion occurring seem to be those least prepared for those possibilities of they just don’t have the necessary assets to protect in the first place. Jmo[/quote]I got you. Must have misunderstood what you were saying. As for the brics currency, in the end imo, it will be the yuan. As for being protected, Im as protected as I can be to a point, but there are too many uncertains for the future currently to feel great about any preps. Crystal ball would be nice for sure[/quote]

There will be no "BRIC's Currency".

No one wants any of those currencies in their portfolio, let alone a basket of them them.[/quote]

That Basket of currencies would have to reflect something along the lines of the Euro like the European Union put together.

Looking at the BRICs nations one would have to swing the big stick. You can’t have 2 roosters in one hen house.[/quote]Exactly and imo, thats where China comes in[/quote]

China has its own version of the World Bank known as the AIIB (Asia infrastructure investment bank) headquarters in Beijing and with 109 member groups and countries that have joined.

The petrodollar died. RIP. (43)

Re: The petrodollar died. RIP.

rem shooter#19520225Yesterday at 03:57 PM

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MossieThe petrodollar died. RIP. (44)

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The first step out of debt is stop spending beyond your income streams. America is no different; stop giving money out to people and countries who do not deserve it. Make able bodied people work and contribute to their existence, no matter how menial the task.

The petrodollar died. RIP. (46)

Re: The petrodollar died. RIP.

Mossie#19520370Yesterday at 04:58 PM

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HastingsThe petrodollar died. RIP. (48)

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Originally Posted by Mossie

A central bank digital currency (CBDC) is not the same as Bitcoin. CBDC is controlled by the banking system. Bitcoin is an independent digital currency that central banks cannot monitor and control and as such governments do not like BC being used by people. CBDC is highly controllable and fits the elites' agenda.

No problem. Bitcoin et al will be made illegal and that will be the end of that experiment

Patriotism (and religion) is the last refuge of a scoundrel.
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The petrodollar died. RIP. (51)

Re: The petrodollar died. RIP.

ol_mike#19520408Yesterday at 05:15 PM

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Crash_PadThe petrodollar died. RIP. (52)

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Originally Posted by ol_mike

Originally Posted by Crash_Pad

Originally Posted by BOBBALEE

Part of the plan.

Gotta be at some level. Anglo - Zionist finance has no basis in productive enterprise anymore, so there is vulnerable weakness there. I do recall some woman from that industry casually commenting that Jesuits had vast holdings in China. How much control that implies or which direction might be their preference, or ploy, isn't for us to know. This is quite maddening to those of us still believing in such heroic myths as Democracy.

I didn't know that about Catholics, I'll have to find some info on it.

America's three branches of Government from time immemorial : Jesuits, Jews, Freemasons. And the rest of the West. Take it to The Bank!

The petrodollar died. RIP. (54)

Re: The petrodollar died. RIP.

Mossie#19520424Yesterday at 05:26 PM

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Crash_PadThe petrodollar died. RIP. (55)

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Originally Posted by Mossie

The first step out of debt is stop spending beyond your income streams. America is no different; stop giving money out to people and countries who do not deserve it. Make able bodied people work and contribute to their existence, no matter how menial the task.

Once you realize there is no will to correct course, in as much as this is the preferred course in actual fact, the only question is how bad can it get and how much worse will the solutions be? Our only hope, after the collapse, lies offshore in the hands of Russia, China and the Global South now forming a non globalist, non tyrannical paradigm based on mutual beneficial trade relations, minus military/monetary dominance. A very odd alliance of Christian, Muslim and Confucian/Taoist thinking.

The petrodollar died. RIP. (57)

Re: The petrodollar died. RIP.

Hastings#19520477Yesterday at 05:49 PM

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MossieThe petrodollar died. RIP. (58)

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Originally Posted by Hastings

Originally Posted by Mossie

A central bank digital currency (CBDC) is not the same as Bitcoin. CBDC is controlled by the banking system. Bitcoin is an independent digital currency that central banks cannot monitor and control and as such governments do not like BC being used by people. CBDC is highly controllable and fits the elites' agenda.

No problem. Bitcoin et al will be made illegal and that will be the end of that experiment

I believe in free markets that are unregulated and let supply and demand regulate the bell curves. Price is determined at the intersection of supply and demand. It can be volatile but will self regulate. Less government is good in a capitalistic economy. Regulation destroys competition and fosters inflation and increases in price. Bitcoin should be allowed to run its course.

The Fed can't be eliminated simply because we are not a manufacturing productive economy but a consumption based economy and we could not survive as a closed economy. The fed is needed for international trade. The fed is the whole issue with world dominance and they have the world by the nuts. If the federal banking system was cast out worldwide they would have no power for their agenda. Other countries could establish their own currencies and establish fair exchange rates.The world would be a far better place without a FED.

The latest elitist move is to gain control of Russia by provoking a war. American elites caused this by letting the world elites use American fed to fund it.

Last edited by Mossie; Yesterday at 06:19 PM.

The petrodollar died. RIP. (60)

Re: The petrodollar died. RIP.

Crash_Pad#19520488Yesterday at 05:54 PM

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AKislanderThe petrodollar died. RIP. (61)

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Originally Posted by Mossie

The first step out of debt is stop spending beyond your income streams. . . .

That's why the phrase "reducing the deficit" in the context of the ever-increasing federal debt is such nonsense. Running deficits, including smaller ones, still piles on more new debt, it's just adding the new debt more slowly. I've actually had people argue that "reducing the deficit" is a way to get out of debt.

Last edited by AKislander; Yesterday at 06:02 PM.

The petrodollar died. RIP. (63)

Re: The petrodollar died. RIP.

AKislander#19520512Yesterday at 06:04 PM

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MossieThe petrodollar died. RIP. (64)

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Originally Posted by AKislander

Originally Posted by Mossie

The first step out of debt is stop spending beyond your income streams. . . .

That's why the phrase "reducing the deficit" in the context of the ever-increasing federal debt is such nonsense. Running deficits, including smaller ones, stills piles on more new debt, it's just adding the new debt more slowly. I've actually had people argue that "reducing the deficit" is a way to get out of debt.

Every dollar borrowed creates an interest debt as well and the dollar to pay the interest has not been created yet.. The interest cannot be paid unless you borrow more money. It is a vicious cycle. As world economies collapse it is a good time to out the FED.

Last edited by Mossie; Yesterday at 06:06 PM.

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The petrodollar died. RIP. (2024)
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